Raise your hand if you have a list of customers who have not contacted you or made a purchase in a while (e.g., 6 months or more).
Unlike new customers, these inactive customers already know who you are and the value that your business can bring them.
But, just like an old friend who you haven't talked to in a while, you shouldn't jump right in with an irrelevant message. Meet them where you last left off.
For example, if the last time you talked to them they bought Product A, then re-engage them with an email or phone call to ask them how that product is working out for them.
When you restart that customer's journey with you, it's important that you approach it with a conversational tone and one that opens up the lines of communication. This more authentic approach will get you more responses than a simple "We've missed you" message.
To get started, pull a list of your existing customers and organize them into smaller groups, so that you can send them a more relevant message. These smaller groups can be based on the last product they purchased or some other indicator. Then, work on an email or phone call script to re-engage them.
It may take a couple of communication attenpts to get them to respond, but be patient and respectful of their time too. And, it's ok if they don't respond, wait a month or two and try again.